A partner on the journey to discover, nurture and celebrate meaningful connections with our bodies and the more than human world.

Alanna Birch offers services in holistic health counseling, education and ecologically informed spiritual care.

Holistic health counseling draws on a foundation in traditional western herbalism, nutritional counseling, traditional Chinese medicine, flower essence therapy, aromatherapy, therapeutic movement instruction, meditation counseling and deep earth connection. Alanna accompanies you to explore, co create and implement practices that nurture vibrant, whole-body health and greater wellbeing.

Alanna also offers one on one spiritual counseling sessions to help uncover new insights, possibilities and meaning arising from your innate wisdom.

Eco chaplaincy is an emergent form of spiritual care that responds to the grief, anxiety and overwhelm we face during this time of great climate unraveling. Calling upon the wisdom from our non-human kin, Alanna will support you to explore meeting the difficulty of earth’s uncertain future with greater awareness and compassion.